Our Community

Our Community

At Cottage Grove we value the importance of working with and for our local community. We try and involve ourselves in community projects and enjoy welcoming members of the local community in to school to work with us. 

This page is dedicated to those members and groups within our community who we have worked with. 

Community Room

We are in the process of developing our Community Room to further support members of our school community. 

We aim to have on offer;

If you have any further ideas of how this space can be used, please do let us know. 

Belmont Path Project

The school have been involved in creating the new art work along Belmont Path. The children worked with local artist Anna Potten and her team to take photographs of themselves and local businesses before their work was transformed into a mural. This work is part of a project to make parts of the local area safer and more appealing to be in. The unveiling also appeared in the newspaper - ths report can be found here

Horatio and Leamington House

Children at Cottage Grove were invited to take part in producing art work for the hoardings around Horatio and Leamington house. 

Spotlight Dance

A group of children from Cottage Grove have been working with Claire from Spotlight UK on a number of dance routines. They have performed on stage to a live audience and have also participated in a number of other events aimed at supporting children.

Here is their Facebook page, which includes pictures of the Showcase in Aldershot.