

On behalf of the Governors, I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to Cottage Grove Primary School. I hope that through the pages on this website you will find the information that you need and that you will get a feel for what a wonderful school Cottage Grove is.

As you can see below, the Governors are made up of parents, staff and representatives from the local community. We are passionate about supporting Mr Branscombe and all the staff at the school who work extremely hard to offer high quality learning and teaching in such a nurturing, inclusive and safe school environment. 

If you see me or any of the governors in school or at a school event, please do come and say hello!

With best wishes,

Anna Limpens

Chair of Governors


Who Are We?

Anna Limpens

I am a Parent Governor and my daughter is in Year 3 at Cottage Grove. We live a short walk from the School and have been part of the local community for 12 years.

My role as a Parent Governor is to bring a parental viewpoint to the Governing Board as this helps them in making good decisions and working with the parent community. My responsibilities also include being the Year 3 Link Governor, SEND and Health & Safety. 

I work at the University of Portsmouth as a Course Leader and Lecturer in Computer Games Production. I have worked in education for 22 years and am passionate about technology and IT, so it’s always exciting to see the amazing provision and work that the children do at Cottage Grove! 

Lorna Preston

I was born, and currently live, in Southsea. After moving to Milton as a child (a long, long time ago), I went to Meon First and Middle Schools, then on to what was then Great Salterns Secondary School. After completing ‘A’ levels at Portsmouth College, I took a year out of studying and worked in a Lab before starting my Maths degree at the University of Surrey in Guildford. Following a time of study and sports, I moved on to the University of Exeter to learn how to teach Maths. After a decade of teaching in several schools in the South, I moved to Boston, Massachusetts in the U.S. and stayed there for almost 20 years.

Sport is a passion of mine… I reached county level in netball and volleyball in the U.K. and was lucky enough to join a competitive sailing team that raced all over New England. I also enjoys watching most sports as well as continuing to follow my favourite Boston sports teams: American Football (Go Pats!) and Basketball (Go Celtics!!).

I loves to travel, with trips all over America, and have spent several months a year in Melbourne, Australia. I am looking forward to more adventures with my family but since getting a rescue dog called Lady at the end of 2021, I will need to explore closer to home for a while!

I am looking forward to my role as a Governor for Cottage Grove, with particular responsibilities for Year 5 monitoring and Assessment.

Nathalie Millyard

I am Cottage Grove parent and Portsmouth resident for over a decade after moving to Portsmouth to gain my BA Honours Degree in Creative & Performing Arts at Portsmouth University.

I am a professional performer working with Children’s Theatre Company – Black Hat Theatrical, New Apollo & People & Stories, I also works a director and producer.  I am the lead singer of a function band called The Spoils and perform as an events singer specialising in vintage and musical theatre. I also work as a vocal teacher and as Outreach Co-ordinator for Portsmouth Young Creatives.

Emma Maynard

My name is Emma Maynard and I am a lecturer in Child and Family Health at King's College London. I specialise in researching and teaching about children, families and safeguarding. 

At the moment I take responsibility for Safeguarding in school. 

I have two teenage children and enjoy cooking for friends, creaft and yoga. 

Lorna Fletcher

I have been working at Cottage Grove as a class teacher for 9 years and currently lead Modern Foreign Languages across Key Stage 2. During this time I have been fortunate to be part of an inspiring school community that demonstrates excellent commitment and dedication throughout. As staff governor, I hope to help maintain and develop education at Cottage Grove for the future generations of pupils. In my spare time I enjoy pottering in my garden and enjoying country walks with my dog. 

Rachel Canavan

I have worked in local schools for the last 23 years as a Special needs assistant in an infant school and a school librarian and Teaching assistant in a junior school. I was a governor in both schools and I wanted to continue to use the knowledge and experience I have gained by becoming a governor here. 

Anisa Sultana

My name is Anisa Sultana, and I am currently teaching and studying Ph.D. in Education at the University of Portsmouth. With over 15 years of experience in education, training, research, and curriculum development, I am deeply passionate about making a positive impact on students and the community through effective learning and development initiatives. It is an absolute honor for me to serve as an Early Years governor, where I can contribute to shaping the educational environment and supporting the growth and development of young learners. I am a happy mum with two Early Years children.

Further Information

Further information about governance at a trust level can be found here